There were almost 26 million Americans in 2010 that were affected with diabetes or 8.3 percent of the total population, according to records released by government health authorities. This disease is the leading cause for kidney failure, lower-limb amputation, new cases of blindness, and heart problems across the United States. It has also been determined as the seventh leading cause of death — a killer disease across a younger demographic.
Based on a study conducted between the years 2005 to 2008, around 35 percent of adults with ages 20 years and above had pre-diabetes and 50 Going with these figures, the chances of a person, even at a very young age, of getting this dreaded disease is exceedingly high. With the very frightening complications resulting from diabetes, which in most cases are not reversible, the importance of prevention cannot be stressed enough. And you might be amazed that achieving this may be very easy and simple. Here are three things you can do right now to prevent the possibility of acquiring diabetes.
Lose Excess Weight

Obesity has been identified as the leading risk factor for diabetes and has been held responsible for an array of illnesses such as health problems, joint disorders, and Over 90 percent of people diagnosed with diabetes are overweight or obese.
ability to use insulin

Countless studies have shown that there is a strong link between obesity and diabetes. These studies also show that a reduction of weight had resulted in significant improvements in patients’ diabetes conditions. In fact, a reduction of even 10 percent of a patient’s weight may translate to huge improvements. The more weight a person has over the ideal level may mean the higher the risk of insulin resistance since the body’s ability to use insulin is hampered by the presence of fat.
It may be best to seek the help of a specialist when trying to undertake a weight reduction program. Your doctor may be in the best position to recommend the right person.
Engage in Physical Activities/Exercises

Leading a sedentary life, which is very common in today’s society, has increasingly become a major factor in the development of People who have been strongly encouraged to engage in physical activities – more particularly in exercises. Aside from helping in the reduction of weight, exercise provides numerous benefits in terms of overall health. It has been recommended that a person should engage in exercise moderate to intense exercise at least five times a week at 30 minutes per session. Findings of a very recent study show that the best form of exercise for diabetes is a combination of aerobic exercise and resistance training. Before starting on an exercise regimen, it is advisable to consult your conductor first. He might take the necessary tests and recommend the best forms of exercise. Assistance from a personal trainer or an exercise expert may also be very helpful.
Follow a Healthy Diet

Following a healthy diet works by aiding in weight reduction and providing the body the proper nutrients for optimum health. This does not only benefit the person’s diabetic condition but may extend to all possible health issues. It should be pointed out that there is no such thing as a diabetes diet as some people may believe. The proper diet for those with diabetes or simply for prevention purposes are those that are low in fat and calories while high in fiber. This type of food may include fruits, vegetable, and whole grains. Limiting intake of animal products, sweets, and refined carbohydrates should also be followed.
You may need a registered dietitian to assist you in coming up with a meal plan that is appropriate for your health goals. She may also best explain it to you details on how to maintain the level of blood sugar, how each type of food affects your condition, and how a proper diet helps in the reduction of weight.