Have you been having a hard time with healthy fat loss? Well you are not alone because many others are having the same problem. They have also asked what the best way to lose body fat would be. Well there is a way and if you are serious, these dietary changes will not matter because when you see the incredible results you will more that likely begin using some of these tips when planning your meals. Following are effective and healthy fat loss steps:
Do not eat anything that is White.

Such as most bread, pasta, crackers, most cereals, flour-based products, white potatoes, white rice, pasteurized dairy, and cheese are to be eliminated from your diet for the time Exception would be foods like cauliflower, chicken, turkey, and fish.
Eliminate all foods that have the word Wheat in it

And yes I also am referring to whole wheat bread. That also includes pasta, crackers and cereals that contain Wheat. Read the labels carefully. 3. Exercise is a must on a daily basis. If you do not walk regularly try walking to the store instead of driving. Or try walking around a mall daily or doing stretching exercises at home.
Drink lots of Water

This is one of the best tips for losing weight. If you must have your coffee, one small cup of organic black coffee because you are probably addicted to it, and this will eliminate the headaches. You will need to drink a minimum of half your body weight of water per day. Example: If you weight 100 pounds, you should drink 50 ounces. To keep within the range of a healthy fat loss diet you must stay away from the White foods listed above. This change in your diet will inevitably alter your cravings for fatty foods, but in the meantime when you have a craving for something sugary, choose as many living foods as possible, like fresh berries with a spoonful of low-cal Cool-Whip. Another alternative to high sugary or fatty foods would be a natural granola bar with only 120 calories. There are lots of options like nuts, raisins, fresh fruits and vegetables these are great as shacks or included in your meals. If you adopt this new way of eating you will find that the best way to lose body fat is to eat 75% a living food diet and 25% cooked foods. This way you will be getting antioxidants and ingredients from the fresh foods so your body can begin to balance its metabolism and start eliminating body fat. To find the site with all the information about this healthy fat loss diet go to and click on the Diet Solution category on the right side.