Are you one of those people that continually jump onto every new fad diet that comes along and then end up failing? Do you starve yourself; lose weight and then gain it all back in one fun weekend?
If you really want to lose weight I have some tips that can help you lose serious weight safely. Follow along and I’ll give you four things to incorporate into your life that will eliminate your yo-yo dieting circus.
Change your lifestyle instead of going on a diet.

There is something about the word “diet” that sends the wrong kind of signals to the subconscious mind telling your fat cells that “ole tubby is going on another trip! Wonder what he or she is going to do to us this time? Don’t worry! Hunker down and we’ll be back having fun in a bit!”
Good friends and well-meaning relatives seem to go on alert when they hear you are on a diet and they do whatever they can to make sure you aren’t going to hurt yourself. They seem to do little things that sabotage your weight loss efforts.
You are better off telling yourself and your friends that you have been directed to lose some pounds and have to change and develop some healthy habits. People are more understanding if they think a health issue is involved.
The truth is; you didn’t gain your weight overnight so you can forget about losing it in a day or so. To try to do this is only going to set you up for failure.
Have you ever checked out the winners of the “Biggest Loser”? Most of these people have gained their weight back and then some shortly after the contest is over. There is no possible way a person can live in an extreme exercise or eating mode!
Eat more food to lose weight!

It’s a fact! You need to eat at least 4 to 6 times a day if you want to lose those excess pounds!
Think about it; in order to lose weight, we need to get our metabolism moving! That includes our stomach and digestive system. When they are working; they are burning calories and this means weight loss.
The thing is! You need to eat healthy food! You can’t go overboard on the fried and greasy stuff! You have to adopt a healthy menu to include in your weight loss journey. This is not as difficult as you think because there are a lot of programs that can help you in this area!
Drink lots of water!

As crazy as it sounds; there are a lot of people that just do not drink enough water! Water is essential to our bodies because every bodily function depends upon water. So do your self a favour and drink at least 8 glasses of water each day
We were made to move so just do it!

Our modern-day lifestyle has made most of us sedentary and most people will drive, take the elevator, escalator or any other easy method of moving rather than using our muscles. The result is our butts are getting bigger not to mention the rest of our body. You need to incorporate an exercise program into your life. It doesn’t have to be one that is complicated or expensive. The thing is; you need to make sure you exercise and move every day. Would you have ever thought that the airline industry would have to revamp the width of their seats for their planes? There are all kinds of plans that are in the works of different industries to accommodate our expanding bodies! The percentage of people that are obese is incredible! It is a problem that is growing but it could be corrected. All we have to do is to change our lifestyles to the healthy kind. The crazy thing is can be done even with the pace of our daily lives but few are willing to take that first step! Accept the fact that your weight loss journey is going to take some time! All the experts agree that a weekly weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds is the way to lose weight successfully. These lifestyle changes that you should incorporate into your life will help you keep those excess pounds off.